Water Treatment
Beer is composed of up to 90% water. Different styles of beers can call for different types of water. The stouts of Ireland require a very different kind of water than the IPA’s of California. RahrBSG carries a variety of minerals and other water treatment aids that help brewers find that perfect match and maintain consistency in their water, which means consistency in beer.

Calcium Carbonate – 22.7 kg

Citric Acid – 22.7 kg

Citric Acid – 25 kg

Five Star 5.2 pH Mash Stabilizer – 0.45 kg

Five Star Acid #6 – 1 gal (case/4)

Lactic Acid 88% – 20 kg

Lactic Acid 88% – 4 kg

Magnesium Chloride Flakes 20kg

Magnesium Sulphate – 22.7 kg

Phosphoric Acid – 1 gal

RahrBSG Brewers’ Calcium Chloride – 22.7 kg

RahrBSG Brewers’ Gypsum (Calcium Sulphate) – 22.7 kg

Sodium Chloride 22.7 kg

Water Treatment Salts – 22.7 kg