TNS Hop Oil
Use TNS Hop Oils to Get More
TNS Hop Oils make your beer (and your margins) better.
TNS Hop Oils are here to change your brewing game. This revolution in hop usage can improve beer quality, yield, profitability, and the morale of your cellar crew. Make better beer, and get more from each turn with less work.
Formulated to replace or complement whole cone and pelletized hops in any recipe, use TNS Hop Oils to help your:
TNS Hop Oils increase beer yield by reducing volume lost to pellet or whole hops; they also help margins by cutting freight and storage costs.
A trial brew conducted at the Rahr Technical Center using 3 lbs/bbl of T-90 hop pellets showed an 18% reduction in beer losses when 50% of the hop bill was replaced with TNS Hop Oils.
Use our TNS Cost Savings Calculator to do the math for yourself.
Fragrant and flavorful, TNS Hop Oils help improve beer quality from sensory to shelf stability. Tasting is believing – here’s what brewers are saying:

Steve Gonzalez, Stone Brewing
“Of the hop aroma and flavor extracts we’ve used TNS tastes the most natural and in some cases has been indistinguishable from beers produced with hop pellets.”

Mike Salo, Fulton Beer
“TNS Hop Oils allowed us to achieve the flavor and aroma we were looking for while keeping the perceived bitterness in check.”
Get to Know the TNS Hop Oils Range
HopBurst® Gain intense dry-hop aromas, available in several varietals, with greater consistency and efficiency.
HopPlus® Take a single wort stream and turn it into several different beers with hop oils featuring all-natural fruit and botanical additions. No more messy fruits or fermentable sugars!
HopSensation® Create balance and complex depth with hop varietal oils blended for style profiles such as West Coast IPA, DDH IPA, and Dry-Hopped Lager.
HopShot® Boost late-hop character and improve package stability with formulations for Lagers, IPAs, and NEIPA styles.
HopZero® Add life to low and no-alcohol base beers for a more refreshing and flavorful drinking experience.
LEARN MORE: Using Natural Hop Extracts in your Brewhouse
Looking for CO2 hop extract for bittering?